Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The things you learn

We just returned from taking my 4 month old son on a week long vacation halfway across the country.  He did better at traveling than some adults.  As someone put it to me so well "It's always a little nerve wracking knowing that you could be the one with 'that little kid who never stopped screaming the whole flight'."  But he didn't!  Jonathan tends to cry for specific, fixable reasons.  When he's hungry, tired, wet, bored.  These are things I can take care of - and when I can help my baby be happy I feel like a Good Mommy.  That being said, it was really wonderful to have family around to hold, cuddle and play with him.  It makes all the difference when you can hand the baby off to someone and go down to the pool for half an hour with your hubby, or go see Sherlock Holmes with hubby and siblings.

Also, I have a renewed appreciation for coffee!  Let me tell you something, babies don't understand time differences.  Add that together with being in a new place and Mommy doesn't get as much sleep as she was hoping for on vacation!  But my dad and my sisters are strong coffee aficionados so I am assured of getting what I need wherever we go - another nice thing about traveling with family as my dear hubby does not drink the stuff.

Between hubby and me we took 979 pictures this past week.  Many of them were of the old ships we toured but I do have some of people - including that beautiful child of mine :)

There are so many things I want to say, but in the interest of keeping this at a readable length I will continue posting about our Grand Adventure tomorrow.  This week we also need to talk about Christmas (and how this year I had ALL my shopping done! Until I didn't).  What do you do for presents for a 4 month old who doesn't understand any of it?

Until tomorrow then...

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